Hard work beats talent

Become a better Project Manager - whether you've never seen a spreadsheet before or have years of experience. You're in the right place.

Kayla Pearson, Project Management Coach

Street skills
book smarts

With 12 years experience managing a variety of projects ranging from in-house small business to DoD contracts - without shelling out thousands of dollars for overrated certifications - I know how to move the needle and achieve results.I'm here to help you achieve the life you are dreaming of.

My Projects

Small Business
DoD Contracts
Creative Projects
Event Management

Are you ready to start living your goal to become a better project manager?

Individual and group coaching, tailored to your current or projected subject area.
Goals include: work from home, hybrid schedule, promotion, and 5x your income - just to name a few.

Past and current projects

scroll to view my previous and current work experience


Surf Soap Co. Hawaii
Soli Coaching Labs
KPM Solutions
Blue Sato Books
Blue Sato Studios